Is not voting in the 2024 presidential election a wise option for Christians who don't like either of the candidates? When George Barna recently appeared on The Charlie Kirk Show, he revealed some troubling data indicating that as many as 41 million Christians are choosing not to vote this year because they don't like Harris or Trump. If politics isn't your thing or you've lost your enthusiasm to vote, you REALLY need to tune in!

With the election just around the corner, Frank dedicates this podcast episode to focusing on the top three questions that Christians need to consider when it comes to "religion and politics" and what history has taught us when Christians disengage from the world of politics. He also summarizes some of the helpful information you'll find available at by addressing questions and issues like:

  • What are the consequences when Christians don't vote?
  • How was Jesus involved in politics, and how does that help us vote?
  • If a politician can’t save you, why vote at all? (Sorry, but you’ll see why this is a really stupid objection!) 
  • Does abortion trump everything else?
  • Where do both parties stand on "the more important matters of the law"?
  • Should Christians vote for the most good or the least evil?
  • What is the Equality Act and how could it hurt our children, our jobs, and our religious freedoms?
  • Why you’re actually not voting for one person!  

As you'll be reminded during this episode, Christians have the responsibility to be involved in what's going on in our society, and that means loving our neighbors through politics by enacting laws that protect them from evil. God calls us to be ambassadors for His kingdom and we don't stop just because we're not over the moon excited about our choices. God has used both righteous and unrighteous leaders all through the Bible to accomplish His good purposes, so get informed, go vote, and leave the results to God!

Resources mentioned during the episode:

George Barna on The Charlie Kirk Show:

David Daleiden & Planned Parenthood video:

New York Post article on Kamala Harris & Planned Parenthood:

New York Post article on FEMA "Disaster Equity":

The Heritage Foundation Explains The Equality Act:

The Washington Stand: For the 41 Million Christians 'Unlikely' to Vote:

Watch on YouTube

Related Blog Post

Prefer to read? Here are eight reasons why you should still vote in the 2024 presidential election even if you don't like either candidate!

And check out these recent livestream events!

How to Love Your Neighbor Through Politics

with Dr. Frank Turek & Pastor Jack Hibbs


Should Christians be involved in politics? Isn’t that divisive? Won’t it drive people away from the Gospel? Doesn’t it violate the Constitution? Join Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills and Dr. Frank Turek as they show why those objections don’t work and why Christians have a biblical responsibility to love their neighbors by being politically engaged. They will also take questions from the live chat.

Watch the Recording

Does Jesus Trump Your Politics? - BIBLE STUDY

with Dr. Frank Turek


Catch a glimpse of Dr. Frank Turek filming THE FIRST EPISODE of his BRAND NEW Bible Study Series - 'I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist' in front of a LIVE audience. This week he goes through Session #1: 'Does Jesus Trump Your Politics?'. During this session he'll answer the following questions:

  • Why should Christians be involved in politics?
  • How can we love our neighbor through politics?
  • Can we legislate morality?
  • What should Christians do if we don’t like either candidate?
  • Where do the candidates stand on the most important issues?


The Shocking History of Open Borders

with Dr. Frank Turek & Bill Federer


What happens to communities, cultures, and Christianity in countries with open borders or those that allow unchecked mass immigration? There’s no need to speculate--history provides several shocking examples. Join Dr. Frank Turek and Historian Bill Federer as they expose those examples and show how the United States and Western Europe are heading for a cultural, civic, and religious catastrophe unless they change course NOW!

America is in trouble...
woman in voting booth

Our nation needs ENGAGED + INFORMED Christian voters NOW more than ever!

In recent elections, NEARLY HALF of evangelical Christians stayed home. When you hear about some of the things that are happening in our country, it may seem like all hope is lost. But it's not too late to turn the tide! As Christians, our eternal hope will always be in the saving grace of Jesus Christ, but that doesn't mean we should sit out the 2024 presidential election just because we don't like either candidate.

During the Fall 2024 season, stay tuned to this page for upcoming livestreams, podcasts, and videos on this critical topic. Dr. Frank Turek and his special guests will guide you through:

  • Looking past personalities to examine party platforms and policies.
  • Where each party stands on important cultural, moral, and economical issues.
  • Evaluating the candidates' past performance and history – they’ve both been in office!
  • Applying a biblical lens to key issues.

Together, we can make a difference for God's kingdom through the ballot box!


Former Undercover Counter-Terrorism Agent Speaks Out

with Hedieh Mirahmadi

9/20/2024 - With the movement of Islam and the influx of immigrants from all over the world through our borders, what future lies ahead for our national security and the West as a whole? Frank speaks with Hedieh Miramadi, a former Muslim and undercover counterterrorism operative.

Watch on YouTube

Open Borders: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

with Hedieh Mirahmadi

9/24/2024 - Frank and Hedieh Mirahmadi continue their discussion about the potential destruction that the West is facing in light of mass immigration and the rise of radical Islam.

Watch on YouTube

How to Love Your Neighbor Through Politics

with Wintery Knight and Desert Rose

How to Love Your Neighbor Through Politics - 9/6 Podcast

9/6/2024 - Frank is joined by special two guests, Wintery Knight and Desert Rose, who have experienced firsthand the negative implications of what happens when a country loses sight of biblical values and goes totally off the rails. How can we prevent the same mistakes from happening here in America?

Be sure to check out this helpful PDF with links to recommended articles available for download HERE.

Where Do Democrats Stand on Major Issues?

with Wintery Knight and Desert Rose

9/17/2024 - Christian apologists Wintery Knight and Desert Rose return to the program to continue their conversation on 'How to Love Your Neighbor Through Politics.' Today, they cover in rapid-fire-succession where the Democratic platform stands on other “important matters of the law” (Mt. 23:23) that will affect the lives of people and the wellbeing of our country.
cost of electricity in California? And more.

Stay Tuned For More Episodes Coming Soon!


Real Impact monitors the cultural landscape through the lens of Scripture. Social issues, legislation, and public policy are all part of this landscape. Their goal is to educate, equip, and encourage Christians to have a godly influence on our society and culture.

Church, Unite for the Soul of America! Ezekiel 33:1-5

Christians need to be engaged in the 2024 presidential election. The freedoms we enjoy and the country that we love are in jeopardy. But Christians must unite if we are to make a difference. If our voices are not heard, and our votes are not counted, then every evil, demonic philosophy will fill the vacuum. But what if you don’t particularly like either candidate? What if you feel apathetic about this year’s election? Pastor Gary Hamrick from Cornerstone Chapel in Virginia makes the argument that voting is not just a right, but a duty, and he helps us to understand how Christians can be involved in the political process.

Why Your Vote Matters: A Biblical Perspective for the Soul of America

The freedoms we enjoy and the country we love are in jeopardy. As Christians, we're to make a difference. If our voices are not heard, and our votes are not counted, then every evil and worldly philosophy will fill the vacuum. But what if you don't like the candidates or their policies? Or you're unsure of whether Christians should be political? This resource written by Pastor Gary Hamrick from Cornerstone Chapen in Virginia offers powerful biblical perspectives on those questions and more. Until Jesus returns, our calling is to be salt and light to a decaying culture. To do so isn't political but biblical. To vote is not only a right but a duty—because Christ alone is the answer for the soul of America.

Should Christians Vote Democrat or Republican? - Detailed Breakdown

Should Christians vote Democrat or Republican in the upcoming 2024 presidential election? In this video, Allen Parr gives a detailed breakdown of each party’s policies, and discusses which one more closely aligns with the Bible.

If There Is No God, There Are No Rights

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How Should Christians Vote?

9/11/24 - Natasha Crain and Alisa Childers tackle the topic that has many Christians fired up this election season: How should we vote? Many Christians don’t hear much in church about how to view the nature of government and its role in society, even though the Bible has a lot to say about it! This leads some to have unbiblical beliefs about politics, and leads others to be silent and/or reject politics altogether. Natasha and Alisa break down the biblical principles in this informative podcast episode.


A Vote For President is a Vote for 5,000 People

9/29/24 - Is it moral for a pro-lifer to sit out this election? Is IVF ethical? Do Arizona's "fake electors" belong in jail? Charlie Kirk's Q&A session with Frank Turek and Pastor Robert Furrow at Calvary Chapel Tucson hit a lot of topics. Listen in for crucial perspectives about what really maters this election cycle.